
Administrative Support & Managment Skills

All Participants agreed on having a platform where we can share our expertise, success and failures as weel as ask questions and ultimately get an answer!

This session is meant to summarize the outcome of the satellite meeting.



Guide line


red square Career development


blu square Workshops


PR, marketing, promotion


Funding support







Guide Line

 We would like to share expertise and failures and eventually come up with a "Guide line".


cerchiofreccia How to set up a Core Facility


cerchiofreccia Define standards on best practice

International Society for Flow Cytometry is working to define standards on best practice.

A recognition programme aimed at improving core facilities.


 cerchiofreccia Lab management


How to deal with tender and procurement and merged administrative requirment and lab needs.


 cerchiofreccia Policis and procedures




red square Career development


 cerchiofreccia Core Facility Leader's job description

What do we expect the CFL to do?

We would like to set up a benchmarking scheme for core facility leaders.




cerchiofreccia TA qualification

More from Kelly Vere coming soon.....



cerchiofreccia Career path

There was not major concern about defening a career path of a CFL.

Instead, we had a considerable discussion about qualification for TA, whateher having a PhD.



blu square Workshops




cerchiofreccia Administrative and Financial topic

Elena Trovesi organizes Workshops twice a year at different research institutes.

In-house workshops can also be organized.

Go to Core Vision in Science | Workshop


 cerchiofreccia Lab management

How to deal with tender, procurment, administrative requirment and lab need.



  PR, marketing, promotion

 To reach a self-sustainable infrastructure, we need to promote our facilities. We need to advertise our activities to external users, including companies.

Core facility leaders may not have neither the expertise nor the skills.

What is the most appropriate and efficient model?

Professionals promoters may be hired at the institutional level or may be dedicated to one facility.




Funding Support

 cerchiofreccia INFRASUPP-3-2014

 Deadline Date 2014-09-02

Scope: The activity will support the training of staff managing and operating research infrastructures. A proposal under this topic should build on the past activities and the experience gained in the projects such as RAMIRI (Realising and Managing International Research Infrastructures). It should engage with universities and prepare curricula and courses specifically for pan-European research infrastructures to address their intercultural and interdisciplinary nature as well as their diversity (global, highly distributed, single site etc.). A significant use of interactive online training material should be considered.

Expected impact:  This activity will improve and professionalise the training of the staff managing and operating research infrastructures of European interest, strengthen the human capital of the involved research infrastructures, stimulating their efficient management and therefore promoting their development and competitiveness at national, European and international level.


Managment system for RI

Improve communication

Enhance efficiency

Reduce costs